A total waste of time...
We just got back from the St George Parade of Homes and I am very sad to say this year pretty much blew. I know (and I know you know) I have a tendency to be a little on the picky side when it comes to home design but you don't have to be a design genius to see that this was disastrous! Nothing new, nothing innovative, nothing even close to exciting. That was the worst $25.00 I ever spent. Not to mention now that we don't have the condo anymore, we had to pay for a hotel. Now, don't get me wrong I am not saying they were all awful...nope, never mind, that is exactly what I am saying. They all lacked everything that makes a home show a home show. Keep in mind that I am a firm believer in thinking you don't have to spend a ton of money to make something wonderful. All paint colors cost about the same amount of money. It even saves money to not purchase the disgusting plastic greenery. Space planning is key to any good design, that is also free when building from scratch. I took a picture of the worst design mistake of the year. It is the dual focal points right next to each other. Where are you suppose to look? Not to mention both pieces are... well ... pieces.

The best thing in the show?
This lovely cowgirl.
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