
The good. The bad. The awkward. The Ugly.
By Lyndsey Ercanbrack

(The Ugly)
I will start with the expired registration of my car. (Due last month.) It would already be done except for that pesky check engine light is on. Tom had been asking me for weeks to get it into the dealership so he can get the inspection done and the car registered. So after finally taking it in, I find out that our car, which runs perfectly fine, has an emission problem that will cost two thousand dollars to fix. I wasn't worried thanks to our awesome warranty.   

Wait,  what? It expired one week ago? Really? Perfect.

So no, I don't want to pay to have it fixed. I have a very hard time dumping money into something I would feel no gain from (the car runs perfectly) and mostly because I really don't even like the car. I know this is irrational thinking, (one of my specialties) but Tom has hinted to just getting me a new car. So until that hint becomes reality, I am not going to get that car registered... I am going to take my chances with the law. 
That was on Friday.
(The Awkward)
Sunday I drove to Salt Lake to work at our office. Time was short but I  had to stop at a gas station to get a soda, it would be the only thing to help me through my long night. I would just run in and run out. So as I am getting my ice a very nice man strikes up a conversation with me, asking  about my day, yada yada yada. Next thing I know he is singing to me as loud as his windpipes will allow. Not just any old song , he is singing a German Opera. What was I doing? Just standing there, smiling. While I would normally appreciate being serenaded by a total stranger as I  fill up a thirty two ounce soda cup, (it was quite beautiful, so was the song) I didn't have a lot of  time. He finally finished. I clapped...It was awkward. I rushed out the door and was unfortunately forced to speed. Jetblue has no patience for tardiness.
(The Bad)
Of course I got pulled over. I was speeding, my tail light was out and there was that little problem of  expired registration. "Is there a problem, Officer?"...  I handed over my license and he was off to sit in his car and do whatever Officers do while their prospect waits anxiously in their car for thirty five minutes. I looked at my clock and then my rear view mirror... clock...mirror...clock...mirror..clock..mirror.clock.mirror. I couldn't wait any longer. If I am late at Jetblue I would get a write up. And, I have already received an email about my "promptness", or lack thereof.  I had to take the advice I am always giving my children.  Be Proactive!  "Officer, I am really sorry to get out of my car and bother you like this, but I if I am not logged into my computer in 4 minutes, I am going to get in trouble and could lose my job and then I will never be able to pay for the repair to get my car registered." 
(The Good)
That's when I got the police escort to work. He even came in with me to explain to my boss why I was late.
Yes. I didn't get a ticket. Or the write up. 
(The Rambling)
No, the above was not rambling. Those were straight to the point facts.
I am really excited about the prospects of a new car.  I am now anticipatorily researching new(er) cars.   I don't think we will get it anytime soon, remember our (Tom's) no debt policy. We will need to save for a little bit but I have my eye on this one.
Picture a white Volvo XC90. Just like the one I talked about months ago under my NPR Car Talk post. Although, when I talked about that one, I really had very little hope of actually getting it, but due to the recent developments of our current situation...that may change...but because of our current situation, it won't be the forty nine thousand dollar version. It may be less dressed. But I would rather a stripped Volvo than a loaded something else. Any day. 
Yes, she will be a real beauty.  I don't need (want even) all the whistles and bells. My kids don't need to watch movies whilst traveling from A to B. That's gotta be the quickest way to ensure your child will suffer from ADD.  Plus, if they don't have any memories of driving each other nuts in the car, what will they talk about at Thanksgiving Dinner when they are older? Also, kids that have car TV never have the chance to listen to their parent's music. How will they imbibe good taste? They will be doomed to listen to Ryan Seacrest and the Top 40, or worse yet... What ever record the latest "Disney Star" comes out with. I would rather die a slow death than have them listen to any of that. Some of my fondest memories are of listening to my dads music in the car. It changed my life. Much more so than Land Before Time part 15 ever would. 
In closing
I would recommend paying close attention to warranty dates, never let a music man strike up conversation with you when you are in a hurry, and when it comes to Officers, being proactive might help. And so might a low cut shirt...Kidding. As far as the car goes, I am going to try to go without my registration for as long as I can. I hate to pay two thousand dollars and then turn around and trade it in. I would rather put that money toward a new car. Is that the most practical road to go down? Probably not, but when you think of me, is practical  the first word that comes to your mind?

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