
 Discovery Made

No one is more of a parenting advocate than me. I love everything about parenting. I absolutely adore being with child. To me, nothing is more beautiful than a pregnant woman. And it only gets better from there... I love the delivery, I love the nursing, the changing diapers, the late night feedings... the whole agglomeration. Baby breath is just about the most precious thing I have ever been lucky enough to experience. Mothers and fathers are amazing! No doubt about it. Being a parent is the most special gift we can be given. It should be taken very seriously, you need to immerse yourself in your duty and fully embrace being a parent in order to do right by your children. It is important to take pride in those little angels. It is great for you and it is great for them. Everyone wins.

With that being said... I would like to gently point out that although you are a parent, and god willing, the best parent you can be, you are still an individual. You are allowed to have other interests... In fact it is healthy and necessary to keep those interests in order to balance your life and be satisfied with your duty as a parent.

I remember when my first son was born, I filled two full scrapbooks with pictures of  him before he was one year old. I documented everything from his messy face to his messy britches. So proud he was able to poop up his back while in the grocery store. Even more proud he loved to take baths in the mud. Thank heavens social networking wasn't around back then or all of my friends would be aware every time my son had a bowel movement.

So now you know where I stand with parenting, I would like to share my new favorite blog with you. I am sure it has been around for awhile... You will have to forgive me as I am usually behind the times on these interweb activities. This clever blog called STFU, Parents  is full of sarcasm and sharp humour. The anonymous blogger, B, is very clever and extremely quick witted in her reasoning.  In a nutshell, she re-posts facebook posts of parents (typically new parents) that make status updates about their lives being more special, more difficult, more privileged, or more challenged than their friends. She also highlights "mommyjacking" posts. Where people will put regular status updates and their genius friends will then hijack their post with something they and they alone think is more important. If you have my kind of humour... and if you read my blog, you'd have to, you will be in stitches over the things this shrewd blogger picks out.

Note: The people that comment are almost as funny as she is.

Also Note: I hope my opinion doesn't offend anyone. It's not meant to. 

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