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The Attempt

It was the perfect plan.

We would go to sleep at three twenty four AM. We would wake up at three fifty seven AM. We would leave our house at four AM and be at the top of the beautiful Mt. Timpanogos enjoying our sandwiches by lunch time.

Did we make it?

Of course we did... Well, all of it but the last part.

Kerry, Wendy, Me and April.

It was the perfect morning for a hike. The air was crisp, invigorating and just snappy enough to help keep a quick step about us. A good part of our morning was spent hiking in the dark, that was definitely my favorite part... It was just us, a few flashlights and the stars. They illuminated the whole mountain side and it was stunning. When the sun finally came out, I was amazed. I'd had no idea what breathtaking scenery I was missing.

Due to the lack of light and snow covered ground, we strayed from our path. Which I thought was great... Who doesn't love a little adventure every now and again? But as we kept climbing, the terrain became more rough and more tumbled. Three steps up, two steps back... We were slipping all over. We thought of our small children, left back at home... Would their new adoptive parents be good to them? Would they love them like we did? That's when we decided we better fall back in line. As we picked our way back down the flinty grade toward the path, I stumbled on some ice and my knee had the unfortunate opportunity to meet a very mean and very sharp rock.


If you know me, you know I have quite a history of passing out at the sight of blood. As the nausea washed over me, I fought to stay coherent. My hands were numb and my teeth were chattering. I envisioned trying to walk down the mountain in this condition and I became terrified. Of course, I don't know why I was worried...I was in just about the most capable hands a girl can ask for. Tom and Rob whipped up a tourniquet in a matter of seconds. I never even saw the blood. They calmed me down, got me warm and had food in my nauseous belly before I knew what was going on.

Everyone was extremely patient as they waited for me to regain some composure. Once my belly was full and I felt safe and secure, Tom and I were ready to make our descent. We encouraged our friends to continue on to the top, but like such loyal friends, they didn't leave our side. We all went down together and of course, we laughed the whole way.

We walked slowly, taking in all the beauty we had missed on the way up.

By the time we got down the mountain and to a doctor, my nausea was back in full force and my leg was starting to really feel the weight of what had just happened.

I needed just over twenty stitches, three layers deep, as that hole you can see is revealing my bone.

When we finally arrived home, Tom set me up on the couch where I snuggled into blankets and stayed there for the rest of the weekend. Tom and the children took such good care of me. While so many neighbors and friends brought over treats, I started to wonder why I hadn't done this before?

Although we didn't make it to the top, and I now have a scar on my knee that I'll have for the rest of my life, I will chalk this day up to a total success. What a great day! We were able to see the most beautiful morning sky, the most inspiring sunrise, stunning waterfalls and nothing could have beat the natural architecture. But more importantly, we got to laugh together, we got to share our treats and stories with each other, we paved our own path and did it all in style. Best of all, I was shown love and support and friendship that will be ingrained much deeper than any scar ever will.

Oh yeah, And I got to pretend I was Bella and Tom was Edward as he whisked me down the tree filled path. That alone...

1 comment:

Adam and Brittany said...

Seriously... I need to see that scar on your knee. I can't believe I even had the capability to look at those pictures of your open flesh wound. I hope you are feeling better.