
 For My Sweet Friend

I know my last post was sad and depressing. In fact, so sad and depressing, it probably made you concerned for my safety. It is true... I was sad and depressed. I guess it was just one of those days.The good news is I am all better and happy once again! Thank you for being concerned. This funny picture is for you.

But first,
When you see me crying...

Would you  just say

And if  I don't listen, just tell me to

 And now the funny pic you've been waiting for...


sunderlage family said...

That's better gangsta. Glad you are happy idiot. It's a good post.

belges101 said...

Pleased as punch to see you are back from your Jekyl side. We all have them. Some of us cry in cars, some of us cry twinkly lights. It's all the same mix of crazy soup.